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Body Image Fundamentals

Become the transformative coach your clients need.

Confidently improve your clients' body image and make a bigger impact in their lives. 

What you'll get:

  • Body Image Fundamentals Course - to develop the skills and knowledge to improve your clients' relationship with food, exercise and their body.
  • The Ultimate Body Image Progress Tracker - to integrate body image self monitoring into your coaching practice.
  • Client Workbook - to effortlessly guide your clients through engaging exercises and activities that promote positive body image.
  • The Coaching Collective Community Access - to forge lasting connections with like-minded coaches and access exclusive resources that will further enhance your professional development.
  • Live Workshops - to help you develop your coaching skills and work through client barriers.
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to all future updates - to ensure you always remain up to date with the latest science.

Pay In Full Bonus: 

Breakthrough Conversations: Mastering Motivational Interviewing for Food and Body Concerns - improve your confidence in navigating challenging client conversations and help them break through their biggest barriers to change.

What People Are Saying:

Body Image Fundamentals has helped me serve my clients on a higher level. Improving a client's body image is one of the best ways we as coaches can help to deliver what they ultimately want i.e. a healthier and happier life. Yet it's often overlooked or isn't even considered. This is a fantastic course born out of careful and diligent research.

Brian Ó HÁonghusa

This is easily one of the best investments I’ve made in my career. Working on body image is arguably one of the most challenging but also most important aspects of a health professional’s work. Shannon does a great job taking the most up-to-date research on a complex topic and making it easy to understand and apply with clients. I highly recommend this course to any professional working with people on nutrition, fitness, or health and wellness.

Kristin Draayer

Body Image Fundamentals is a must. It provides a clear, evidence-based path to making real change in your clients' lives. The course is one of the most valuable educational resources I could recommend for coaches or trainers.

Luke Tulloch

Body image is fundamental for all coaches. Shannon's webinars are evidence-based, easy to understand & have useful worksheets. The service I give my clients has improved as a result. Thank you Shannon!

Alice Raggatt

Body image is a huge limiting factor for many of my clients who come from a place of overtraining and under fuelling. From the exercises and evidence-backed information Shannon has put together, there's no more guessing as to how to approach such nuanced and sensitive subject matter with clients.

Olivia Park

I found Body Image Fundamentals invaluable. Interestingly the science and methods presented made sense of a lot of things which I hadn't been able to put together myself. It helped me both personally and professionally.

Ruby Cooke

Body Image Fundamentals is something the vast majority of PT or coaching certifications are not addressing in the slightest. I would recommend this to any fitness professionals who want to help their clients improve from the inside out.

Conor Murray

The body image course is like nothing I've ever seen before. I think Shannon is completely changing the way in which us coaches are helping others. With this information we can finally, truly help clients in the safest and profound way.

Rachel Greer

Thanks to Shannon’s Body Image Course, I’ve become a far better coach. With the information, tools and coping strategies provided, I’ve been able to improve my clients’ perceptions of themselves and their respective relationships with their bodies. Thank you, Shannon! You’re a constant source of inspiration with everything you share.

Corinne Wooden

As a coach, personal trainer and researcher I always felt like there was something "missing" when I was trying to help my clients change their health habits. Clients were ashamed of themselves and their bodies, and it often was a big deterrent to making the health changes they wanted to make. If you are a coach who coaches the whole person, and want to help in a more meaningful way, I highly recommend the body image course. Your clients (and you) deserve it. Thank you for all that you do. Very important work!

Erin O'Loughlin, PhD, ND

If you have even a slight interest in body image and want to help clients in a more meaningful way, then you absolutely will not regret purchasing the body image course. It will advance your coaching practise and, more importantly, allow you to understand your relationship with your own body on a deeper level. Thank you Shannon for putting together such a brilliant series!

Matt Davis