It’s about time you were free from constantly thinking about food.

You're here to live your best life, and fixating on food aint it.


You’ve spent way too much time stressing about your weight and fixating on food. You just want to be at peace with it all. 


But how do you get your headspace back without letting yourself go?

Imagine feeling comfortable in yourself, without all the mental battles that come with controlling your food and body.

Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself: how would your life change if you could be free of food focus? Because right now, you’re not happy. You’re panicking about eating out, punishing yourself when you overeat, and wasting your life worrying what other people think of you.

Deep down, you know you're ready for change.

What would you do if you had your headspace back?

Travel & Enjoy Vacations 

Instead of restricting yourself before a vacation, or planning your entire travels around your fitness routine, you're present with loved ones and enjoying new experiences like Brianna.

Build Your Dream Career 

Instead of spending hours researching recipes or thinking about what to eat next, you're putting your energy into reading, studying and building your career like Rachel.

Explore Your Passions 

Instead of hiding away or covering up for fear of what others think, you're wearing clothes that express your style, meeting new people and hiking in beautiful places like Lorryn.

This process has created so much freedom in my life.

I reached out to address my relationship with food, something that felt very overwhelming and unachievable. Shannon was able to guide me through the process of identifying and reframing unhelpful thought patterns contributing to my relationship with food and show the alternate outcomes to situations by being curious and kind to myself. It was honestly a life changing experience, one I would say everyone would benefit greatly from.

- Jess Horner

It's time to break away from food focus, free up your headspace and build a life you love.


Welcome to EMPOWER Coaching

 A place where you are supported and guided towards becoming the person you want to be.

I'm not here to judge you, but I am here to challenge you. 

EMPOWER Coaching is the industry’s only evidence-based coaching framework to incorporate nutrition, body image and compassionate mind training. Everything you need to overcome food focus and create a life you love.

 → Stop thinking about food 24/7 and enjoy meals with loved ones

→ Build emotional regulation skills to cope with stress without turning to food

→ Enjoy all of your favourite foods without the fear and guilt and never miss a social event again

→ Free up headspace so you can focus on what matters in life

→ Overcome fear of judgment and worry less about what other people think

 →Enjoy vacations and weekends away without bingeing or restricting

 → Stop wishing your days away until you've lost the next KG 

→ Stop hiding your body and wear the clothes you like with confidence


EMPOWER Coaching is for you if...

Like Barbara, you fear weight gain

and are stuck in a rigid routine that must be followed perfectly, or else you feel anxious. You are paying a lot of attention to how your body looks and comparing yourself to others.

You long to be more confident and flexible so you can stop missing out and be present when you are with your friends and family.

Like Katie, your emotions take over

and you feel out of touch with your hunger and fullness cues. You're caught in a cycle of “I’ll be good tomorrow” and eating more than what feels good to you.

You long to have a relaxed relationship with food so you can showing up as your best self in all areas of your life.

Want To Know How It Works?

1. We start With A Kick Off Call

We'll have a 45 minute video call to fill out the Empower Coaching Matrix.

This will help you to:

  • Clarify what's important to you
  • Make sense of patterns keeping you stuck
  • Determine what needs to change

2. You'll Complete A Self-Assessment

Time to get curious! You'll answer a few quick questions to help you understand your food and body troubles.

3. You'll Have Biweekly Coaching Calls

We meet every 2 weeks for a 45 minute call so you can be supported as you work through challenges.

4. You'll Get Evidence-Based Training Exercises 

You'll be assigned specific science-backed activities to build mindfulness, compassion and body appreciation.

This experience has been completely different from any other coaching I’ve tried in the past, and infinitely more valuable.

The questions Shannon asked, how she asked them, and resources she provided, made me explore my mind in a different way. It was about getting to the root of what I was struggling with, not just setting a plan and saying I just don’t want it enough when I slip up. I felt the care and compassion throughout the whole experience. 

- Heidi Warr

You Will Cultivate Three Key Skills

I'm not going to make you price hunt. 

Here's All Of The Details

Empower Coaching


3 month minimum

  • Kick Off Call to establish what's important to you, what's keeping you stuck, and how to move forward
  • Self Assessment to understand your food and body troubles
  • Biweekly 45 min calls to strengthen commitment
  • Evidence-Based Training Modules to develop body respect, compassion and self-acceptance
  • Worksheets to encourage self-reflection and create a change that lasts
Shannon helped me dig deeper into my story behind food, rather than staying surface level and just ticking some macro boxes.

I have tried many "nutrition" coaches who just told me what to do, what macros to hit or what to eat. It created a relationship of "need" where I didn't feel like I learned anything about myself and was unable to participate in life without measuring my food. I felt really disconnected from my actual hunger or preferences, and instead would cycle through not eating (to try manage my weight) and binge eating on the weekends / drinking more than I felt comfortable with. Working with Shannon was completely different. I learned to see how eating well was a way of taking care of myself and my body, rather than me needing to 'earn' that. I am very grateful for you. Your lessons stay with me and have helped me be a better human & coach. Thank you!

Caity Haniver

Meet Shannon, Your Coach

It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do in life.

I'm a law school grad turned registered nutritionist and certified Compassionate Mind Trainer.

I created Body Image Fundamentals, a course for health coaches that was presented at the 10th Annual Appearance Matters Conference.

I'm currently studying for a diploma in Compassion Focused Therapy, approved by the British Psychological Society.

I want to be someone who makes the most of life. I love training and fuelling my body, but for a while I felt like I was just going through the motions.

I travelled the world for 6 years before moving to Spain. This opened me up to so many new experiences and different ways of living. I suddenly cared a whole lot less about how I looked!

When I first started coaching, I realised just how many people felt exhausted and held back by constantly thinking about food, controlling their weight, and worrying what other people thought.

I created Empower Coaching to help people let go of food focus and create a life they love.


Katie Brown


Before coaching with Shannon, I was really struggling to stop the diet/emotional eating cycle. It felt like a roundabout with no exit route. I was bonding so much "self worth" to my weight & size & it was massively impacting my life. Working with Shannon gave me the confidence to let go of things I tied my worth to. She helped me to become more compassionate, so that I could do the hard things & take time for me. I have changed my mindset entirely, meaning I focus on ways to soothe myself & give back to myself. I get more stuff done, I feel more mindful, I am feeling so much better in my own skin. I have more interesting conversations, because I have more time to read. I actually feel a little bit tearful writing this, but I don't weigh, track myself, my steps, my calories & goodness knows what else daily. I have time & that's precious. 

Thank you for enabling me to understand that there is light at the end of a tunnel. It's wonderful that after 16+ years of being ruled by these feelings of self doubt, the need to be slimmer, disordered eating and a painful and overruling exercise addiction... I can look at a feelings wheel and feel hopeful and confident, and that feels wonderful.

I've used a few coaches and it was an investment I was scared to make, but Shannon is so different - in a very good way!


Maybe You're Wondering...

Hear From Clients Just Like You:

You're Nervous Because You're Ready For Change

Working on your relationship with yourself wouldn't be nerve-wracking if it wasn't something you'd benefit from!

It's normal to doubt whether things will really change... But letting self-doubt run the show creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I know you're ready let go of food focus and create a life you love.

You don't have to believe in yourself yet. It's my job to help you tap into your strength and courage.

All you have to do is take the first step.

Inquire Now