Improve your client's body image and become the impactful coach they truly need. 

Get the results they're looking for (without the harm) and be the coach that changes lives.


You are a compassionate and driven coach who changes clients' lives

✓ You're no longer scratching the surface with weight loss strategies. Instead, you're helping clients on a deeper level to reach their health goals and improve their body image and relationship with food.

✓ Your business is no longer all about fat loss. You feel inspired and fulfilled by providing an alternative to the harmful narratives that honestly, you're feeling pretty bored and disillusioned with.

✓ Your coaching draws upon clear, evidence-based frameworks that reliably and consistently help clients achieve better results whilst improving their mindsets.

✓ You are confident and comfortable in your own body, and feel confident marketing your services without using your body as your business card.


You know poor body image is a barrier to client results, but...

You aren't sure how to get through to clients who aren't fully open to working on their body image yet

You're lacking specific techniques and frameworks to confidently improve client body image in a structured way

You've struggled with your own body image and want to see some personal progress whilst supporting clients too

As a result, you're unsure how to best support your clients, struggling with feeling like a fraud and don't know how to market yourself without making it all about fat loss.

I know what it's like to feel like you could be doing more to help.

Yet our education hasn't fully prepared us to help clients with what they struggle with the most. 

If you feel like something is missing from your current practice...  

This training is what you've been looking for.

The Missing Piece In Your Coaching Education


An 8 week training program that will help you to...

✓ Develop the skills and knowledge to improve your clients' relationship with food, exercise and their body.

✓ Get through to clients and confidently move them through the ambivalence of doing the work.

✓ Improve your own body image so you can withstand appearance pressures in a physique-oriented world and  industry. 


The body image course is a must.

It provides a clear, evidence-based path to making real change in your clients' lives. The course is one of the most valuable educational resources I could recommend for coaches or trainers.

- Luke Tulloch, online trainer

 Here's How It Works:

This is an 8 week training program

With educational lectures, personal guided exercises and client-focused calls.

That teaches you the science of body image

From negative body image to positive body image and the factors that influence it.

And an evidence-based framework to implement it

A clear step by step process with tools to integrate into your practice.


The body image course is invaluable.

The science and methods presented made sense of a lot of things which I hadn't been able to put together myself. It helped me both personally and professionally. 

- Ruby Cooke, sports nutritionist

What Will I Learn?

Watch the video below for a full look inside the program.


Improve Your Clients' Lives

While any coach can assist with weight loss, you have the opportunity to create a profound impact on your clients' lives.

Get Started

This is easily one of the best investments I’ve made in my career.

Working on body image is arguably one of the most challenging but also most important aspects of a health professional’s work. Shannon does a great job taking the most up-to-date research on a complex topic and making it easy to understand and apply with clients. I highly recommend this course to any professional working with people on nutrition, fitness, or health and wellness.

-Kristin Draayer, nutritionist, MS, RDN, CPT

Everything You Need To Make A Difference

Not only are you getting 8 weeks of life-changing training, you are also getting the following:

A Step By Step Roadmap

With this roadmap, you'll know exactly what technique to use and when. It integrates Motivational Interviewing, ACT techniques and Body Image interventions for every part of the coaching process, so you are never stuck on how you help.

Body Image Progress Tracker

With this spreadsheet, you can seamlessly integrate body image interventions into your coaching practice, to help clients focus on success beyond the scale.

Fillable Client Workbook

Guide your clients through evidence-based exercises  that promote positive body image and self-compassion. Empower your clients to actively participate in their own transformation and facilitate deeper, more impactful change.

Invite To The Coaching Collective

Receive exclusive community access to a supportive network of professionals who understand your coaching struggles and are eager to support you with your biggest client challenges.


The body image course has helped me serve my clients on a higher level.

Improving a client's body image is one of the best ways we as coaches can help to deliver what they ultimately want i.e. a healthier and happier life. Yet it's often overlooked or isn't even considered. This is a fantastic course born out of careful and diligent research.

- Brian Ó HÁonghusa, nutritionist

Meet Your Teacher

I know what it's like to feel like you could be doing more.

In fact, it was my inability to help a particular client that shaped my journey and led me to discover the true significance of body image.

My client had her sights set on getting leaner, with a specific goal weight in mind. We were 'flexible dieting', striving to strike a balance between her enjoyment of social activities, like weekend brunches, and her desire to reach her physique goal.

We tried it all: calorie banking, diet breaks, non-tracking weeks... but still we encountered a frustrating plateau. My client became increasingly disheartened, complaining about her body and losing control over her diet. It was a difficult moment for both of us. I was at a loss, unable to provide the answers, and knew there had to be something more we were missing.

Driven by the desire to find a solution, I delved into the research on dietary restraint. It was during this deep dive that I uncovered an eye-opening fact: body image plays a pivotal role in achieving sustainable results, a balanced lifestyle and the true confidence clients were seeking.

Over the years, I dedicated myself to studying the intricacies of body image, carefully applying research findings to my clients' journeys.

Now I'm sharing this approach with you.

And trust me, I've gone to some lengths to do so!

Seeing incredible results with my clients wasn't enough for me. I wanted to ensure that this course was not only effective but also approved by other industry experts.

To guarantee its accuracy & efficacy, I enlisted expert researchers to review the course content and presented in front of multiple prestigious research labs.

Here's the real game changer: Not only does this course draw from years of research and practical experience, but it has been empirically validated by the research team at the Health, Behaviour and Emotions lab at the University of Toronto. 

Scientific research confirms that the strategies taught in this course are not only easy to learn but also create a tangible impact in your clients lives.

Stop doubting your efficacy as a coach and develop the skills to confidently improve your clients body image.

Payment Options

Two Ways To Get Started 

Split Pay

3 payments of £245

For the price of just one monthly client, you will receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete Curriculum
  • The Ultimate Body Image Progress Tracker
  • Client Workbook
  • Invite to The Coaching Collective
  • Quarterly live workshops
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to all future updates

Pay In Full Bonus

1 payment of £735

Choose the pay in full option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete Curriculum
  • The Ultimate Body Image Progress Tracker
  • Client Workbook
  • Invite to The Coaching Collective
  • Quarterly live workshops
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to all future updates 
  • BONUS: Motivational Interviewing Workbook for Food & Body Concerns

Body image is fundamental for all coaches.

This course is evidence-based, easy to understand & very practical. The service I give my clients has improved as a result. Thank you Shannon!

- Alice Raggatt, nutritionist

Frequently Asked Questions