Stop letting comparisons get you down and develop yourself on YOUR terms.


I'm Sure You've Had Enough Of Comparing Your... 


Comparing your body to those who are leaner or more muscular than you, or even how you looked in the past.


Seeing successful coaches posting about their wins online and feeling like your business isn't progressing fast enough.


Scrolling social media and seeing everyone living happier and more successful lives than you, leaving you feeling down about your own.

Imagine A Future Where:

  • You stop worrying about others and focus on your own personal growth.
  • You can look to those who are better than you and feel inspired, rather than putting yourself down.
  • You focus less on how you were in the past, and more on what you need today.
  • You better yourself on YOUR terms (because you can, not because you need to prove yourself).
  • You are confident in who you are and actually enjoy your own life.

It's Time To Compare Less and Live More

Introducing Crushing Comparisons

A practical, self-paced mini-course teaching you the psychology of comparison and the tools to overcome it, so you can focus on your own growth.

By the end of this course, you will know exactly how to:

  • Understand why you make comparisons and can't just switch them off.
  • Notice when you're making comparisons and how that impacts you.
  • Show self compassion instead of judging yourself for not being enough.
  • Challenge your comparisons and stop putting yourself down.
  • Build self confidence and focus more on living YOUR best life. 

Crush Your Comparisons In 3 Steps


Notice when you are making comparisons, to whom, and what you think that says about you.


Show compassion towards yourself and focus on what would be helpful.


Check the accuracy of your comparisons, challenge unhelpful thoughts and take action towards your goals and values.


What's Inside?

Science-Packed Modules

Learn the psychology of comparisons so you can understand how your mind works.

Comparison Tracker

Gain awareness of your own comparison tendencies so you can overcome them.

Practical Worksheets

Challenge your comparisons so you can develop a mindset of self-confidence.


Stop Putting Yourself Down And Start Building Yourself Up

£149 for lifetime access

  • 7 short, impactful video modules teaching you the psychology of comparison and how to overcome it
  • A comparison tracker to help you gain insight into your own comparison tendencies and areas for growth
  • Practical worksheets to help you challenge unhelpful thoughts and develop a mindset of confidence that moves you towards your goals

About Your Instructor

I am all about helping you to make the most of life.

As a Health and Confidence coach, I come across unhelpful social comparisons all of the time. My clients compare their bodies to others, their performance in the gym and even their coaching businesses, leaving them feeling down about their own achievements. 

Social comparisons play a key role in prevention and intervention programs for body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Overcoming our natural comparison tendencies is also key for becoming confident in our selves, pursuing our important goals and living our best lives.

I learned early on to care less what others are doing and to choose a path in life that was meaningful to me. From law degree to 'entrepreneur', developing a unique skillset (Registered Nutritionist, REBT practitioner and Certified Compassionate Mind Training Facilitator) and building a fulfilling business that makes a difference in people's lives, all whilst travelling around the world.

I want you to experience the same freedom that comes from managing your mind, being confident in yourself and making choices aligned with your values.

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