Turning towards our Imperfections with Hannah Wilson


This podcast episode explores the intersection of mental health and technology with our podcast featuring a seasoned mental health practitioner and digital mental health expert - Dr Hannah Wilson. We talk about the dynamic world of online therapy, digital solutions, and self-compassion strategies. Uncover the potential of remote mental health services, learn about bridging digital divides, and gain insights into fostering compassion in a digital age. Whether you're a mental health professional, tech enthusiast, or someone interested in the evolving landscape of mental well-being, this podcast offers valuable perspectives and actionable insights.

About The Guests

Dr Hannah Wilson is a clinical psychologist chartered member of the British Psychological Society who has worked predominantly in eating disorder services and health psychology. Alongside her private practice, Hannah also works in digital mental health services. She practices from a compassion-focused lens and provides CFT teaching, training and supervision to professionals.

This Episode Is A Must Listen For:

  • People who want Insights into online therapy trends and strategies.
  • Individuals interested in new Ideas for inclusive digital mental health solutions.
  • Those who want to Understand online service potential and self-compassion.
  • People who want a deep dive of the complexities of digital mental health integration.
  • Individuals interested in tech's impact on mental health and inclusivity.

Key takeaways:

  • The pandemic prompted a positive shift towards adopting online mental health services, highlighting the potential for greater accessibility and opportunities.
  • Despite the digital progress, it's important to acknowledge the digital poverty that still exists, with many lacking access to devices and power. Balancing online and offline approaches is crucial to ensure inclusivity.
  • Instead of solely focusing on teaching skills, it's important to address the underlying factors that contribute to vulnerabilities. However, finding effective solutions to these complex issues remains a challenge.
  • There's a growing demand for digital mental health support, creating an opportunity to provide training and resources to practitioners willing to work in the digital space. Building effective online relationships and extending mental health support is crucial.

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